Programming Languages
Java And Kotlin
My favourite programming languages are Java and Kotlin. I've worked on a number of projects with this language. Aside from that, I am well-versed in Flutter and Android development
Visit Git-hubPython
Python is a programming language that I enjoy using. I've worked on a number of AI/ML/DL projects. For web programming, I've also utilised Django. In addition, I have some experience in data visualization and analysis.
Visit Git-HubC++
I began my career as a computer programmer by learning to code in this language. I also have some programming experience in basic C.
Core Competency
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
The finest of my core technological skills are artificial intelligence and machine learning. Many Machine Learning/Natural Language Processing/Deep Learning tasks have been completed by me. I've worked on a number of projects in this field, and the source code for several of them is available on Github. In this domain, I am constantly curious, eager, and enthusiastic about developing and learning new concepts and technology.
Visit Git-hubMobile and Web Development
I've performed a number of industrial projects and internships in this field, and I've created over six mobile applications and two websites for a variety of organisations. I am an expert in developing mobile and web applications. How to Manage the Development of Mobile and Web Applications
Visit Git-HubData Structures and Algorithms
Every Computer Programmer must acquire DSA as one of the most important skills. Data-Structures-and-Algorithms are something I'm highly familiar with because they're employed in almost every project. (Mobile,WEB,AI/ML/DL)
Visit Git-HubDatabase Management systems
Because data is the new oil, data storage and management are critical. t I am an expert in data management systems like Firebase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, and I use databases in every project I've worked on. I also have experience with data analysis and visualisation, which aids in better identifying patterns.
Visit Git-hubUser Interface and Experience(UI/UX)
I've recently gained a true interest in this domain, as evidenced by my participation in several projects. On my Github account, I have uploaded all of the source codes for my academic and personal projects. I finished Google's ui and ux development course.
Visit Git-HubJava/python/kotlin Programming
As a result of my strong grasp of programming fundamentals, I am able to quickly learn any new programming language or technology required by a project
Visit Git-HubNon-Technical Skills
I have exceptional communication abilities. I am fluent in four languages: English, Gujarathi, Hindi, and Marathi. I've also hosted a number of school-based events as well as a few online college-based seminars.
Learning Attitude
My grasping ability is also quite strong. As a result, I am able to acquire valuable skills swiftly and have a positive mindset towards learning. As a result of this approach, I am ahead of my peers. especially in the technical field
I've always wanted to create innovative applications and conduct study into how new technology may be developed. This is also displayed in my portfolio because I am now working on a patent application for a project that was led by a professor at San Jose State University, and I also own the rights to a mobile application that I developed.
MS - Office
I am proficient in all Microsoft office programmes, including Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote. I utilise all of the softwares precisely and have already prepared many reports, PowerPoint presentations, Excel spreadsheets, and OneNote Notebooks.
I am competent at understanding people and their emotions, which allows me to communicate effectively with my team. I appreciate and care for other's feelings. As the head of the UWAV VIIT AI research team, I have some leadership experience.
Problem Solving
One of the most important components of my life is problem solving and maintaining a positive mental attitude. I'm impromptu trying to come up with a solution to the situation. I'm also strong at coming up with new ideas, which helps me improve my problem-solving skills
I have an incredible ability to notice new objects and deduce their interfering factors. Which qualifies you to be an excellent data analyst. As previously said, I have strong data visualisation abilities that help me analyse data more effectively.
Stable Mindset
I have a calm and collected demeanour and am not easily discouraged under any circumstances. I'm always on the lookout for methods to motivate myself through everything I come across. As previously stated, I have excellent analytics and observation abilities, which enable me to learn from my failures.